Monday, July 12, 2010

MDA Welcomes Firefighters and Families

The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) is welcoming firefighters from Casper, WY and surrounding areas to bring their families for a night of mini golf and food to kick off the annual Fill-the-Boot drives that benefit local families affected by neuromuscular diseases.

Casper firefighters raise money throughout the summer months, culminating in a three-day boot drive over Labor Day weekend that corresponds with the nationally televised Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon. All funds help MDA provide local muscle clinics for children and adults, a stocked loan closet with durable medical equipment, free summer camp for kids ages six to 17, and funding for local research.

The event will take place at Parkway Plaza Hotel from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Monday, July 19. Parkway Plaza generously supports MDA's Telethon by donating space to televise the event, as well as rooms for out-of-town guests, meeting rooms for production and food for all volunteers, staff, and families.

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